Originally, a truly "open" resource was strictly defined as meeting the 5 R's, as shown in the diagram below. The most open items can also be modified and redistributed. However, it is common to find items labeled as "open" even though modification is not permitted. To determine the level of "openness" of a resource, look for the Creative Commons license statement in the work and look up what it means, as explained in our guide on Copyright, Fair Use, and Creative Commons.
The 5 Rs of OER below is borrowed from the State University of New York (SUNY) in partnership with OER Services.
Retain |
Find, save, and use OER content. Download what you need. Keep on your own devices. |
Reuse |
Use OER content as it exists currently. Put it to use as often as you need. |
Revise |
Adapt, adjust, and modify existing OER content. Make small- or large-scale changes to suit your needs. |
Remix |
Combine multiple pieces to make something new. Blend existing material and add in your own touches. |
Redistribute |
Share your OER with others. Release your revisions and remixes into the community. |
Find a downloadable copy of the 5 Rs to save or print by clicking on this link.