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Health & Physical Education

Montgomery Library's guide to heath and physical education resources

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Example of Using ChatGPT to come up with Boolean search phrases:

Step 1: Type a prompt like this into ChatGPT, and see what you get.

(This example was copied from on June 21, 2024.)



Step 2: Copy and paste one of the Boolean search phrases into CU Search and see what you get.




Step 3: Try the other Boolean search phrases or make new ones.

plagiarism AND ("college students" OR "university students")

plagiarism AND AI AND ("college students" OR "university students")



Step 4: Try searching another database from the list of Databases A-Z, such as Academic Search Complete provided by EBSCO. 

Sample Boolean Search:

plagiarism AND AI AND ("college students" OR "university students") 

(Note: this will give you a targeted search about plagiarism, AI, and college/university students.)