Marriage & Family Therapy - OER & Other Free Materials
CU library staff have identified a number of freely accessible textbooks and other materials that faculty might consider adopting for their courses. Check out the following resources below:
MFT - Open Textbooks & Library E-Books Organized by Course/Topic
These teaching and learning materials can be distributed and reused by anyone under the conditions of the Creative Commons license of the work. This is not a comprehensive list. More materials can be found by searching the OER repositories listed here.
Writing & Research Methods in the Social Sciences
Although originally developed for other social science fields, these OER textbooks and library e-books may be helpful for the following courses, as well as others:
Family Therapy
These OER textbooks and library e-books may be helpful for the following courses, as well as others:
General Therapy Methods
Developmental Psychology
These OER textbooks and library e-books may be helpful for the following courses, as well as others:
Cultural Contexts & Social Justice
These OER textbooks and library e-books may be helpful for the following CU courses, as well as others:
Pharmacology & Mental Health
These OER textbooks and library e-books may be helpful for the following courses, as well as others:
Intro to Psychology Textbooks
Social Psychology Course Textbooks
Statistics for Psychology Textbooks
Marriage & Family Therapy - E-Textbooks at Montgomery Library
Course readings can also be taken from e-books freely available to CU students through the Montgomery Library. We have permanent access to the books on the list below, and thus they are reliable to be reused over future semesters as course readings.
Please use library links not PDFs: Simply copy the links below into your syllabi or Moodle courses. (Downloading PDFs of library resources and providing them to students can be considered a copyright violation.)
Marriage & Family Therapy - Open Access Journals
The publishers have made these journals free and accessible to everyone. Search the Directory of Open Access Journals for additional open access periodicals.
Disclaimer: Campbellsville University does not necessarily endorse the viewpoints in third party sources.
Tips for Finding Open Textbooks
Library staff have identified hundreds of recently published open textbooks, which can be found under Open Resources by Subject in the left menu bar, but you may also want to search the OER collections yourself to find free and open materials for your courses. The top recommended repositories are listed further down this page.
You are also welcome to schedule an in-person or online Personal Research Appointment with the Instruction & Reference Specialist, who can help track down sources for your courses.
How to Select and Evaluate OER: Backward Design
Faculty are encouraged to use the "backward design" method, which means first reassessing learning outcomes and objectives on their syllabi and then locating OER materials or other free library resources that align. It is common to select chapters from multiple open textbooks that align with the natural subdivisions within a course. Even if you prefer to use your regular textbook, open textbooks can be used for supplementary or remedial readings for students who need more background knowledge.
Faculty evaluating OER generally consider the following criteria:
Top Recommended Repositories/Collections of OER Textbooks
Other Collections of Quality OER Materials:
OER Textbooks vs. E-Books at the Montgomery Library
Another way to reduce textbooks costs is to assign Montgomery Library electronic resources as course readings. Just make sure the library has permanent access to those materials. To find recommended library resources that are part of our permanent collection, please scroll to the middle / bottom of the page for your subject area. (Fnd your subject area under Open Resources by Subject in the left menu bar.)
You are also invited to schedule an in-person or online Personal Research Appointment with the Instruction & Reference Specialist, who can help identify possible course readings for you.