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Thesis & Dissertation Information Walk-Through

Montgomery Library's guide to the ProQuest ETD Admin Tool


Campbellsville University students in Masters, Doctorate, or Ph.D. programs may be required by their respective degree-granting school, division, or department to submit a physical copy of their thesis or dissertation to Montgomery Library and/or a digital copy to the ProQuest Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Admin tool. In doing so, the thesis or dissertation will be accessible online via ProQuest Dissertations & Theses, iParadigms, and Dissertation Express.

The supervising academic unit is responsible for the standardization of formatting of the thesis or dissertation. The student’s academic advisor will work with the library on the approval of the document within the ETD tool, and the advisor will submit an electronic copy of the thesis to the Electronic Resources Librarian.

Use the tab on the left called ETD Walk-Through for instructions.