American West
Literature--Selected Works
Three Western Narratives: A Tour on the Prairies; Astoria; The Adventures of Captain Bonneville. By Washington Irving.
Call Number: F 592 .I74 2004.
The Last Picture Show. By Larry McMurtry.
Call Number: PS 3563 .A319 L37.
Texasville. By Larry McMurtry.
Call Number: PS 3563 .A319 T48.
Streets of Laredo. By Larry McMurtry.
Call Number: PS 3563 .A319 S7.
The Virginian: A Horseman of the Plains. By Owen Wister.
Call Number: PS 3345 .V5.
Native Americans--Selected Works
A Gathering of Statesmen: Records of the Choctaw Council Meetings, 1826-1828. By Peter Perkins Pitchlynn.
Call Number: E 99 .C8 P59 2013.
Documents of American Indian Diplomacy: Treaties, Agreements, and Conventions, 1775-1979.
Call Number: Ref. KF 8202 1979. (Library Use Only)
Lewis and Clark through Indian Eyes.
Call Number: F 592.4 .L48 2006.
Life of George Bent: Written from His Letters. By George Bent.
Call Number: E 99 .C53 B44 1967.
War-Path and Bivouac; or, The Conquest of the Sioux, A Narrative of Stirring Personal Experiences and Adventures in the Big Horn and Yellowstone Expedition of 1876 and in the Campaign on the British Border in 1879. By John Frederick Finerty.
Call Number: F 83.866 .F52 1955.
Ojibwa Warrior: Dennis Banks and the Rise of the American Indian Movement. By Dennis Banks.
Call Number: E 99 .C6 B258 2004.
My Life on the Plains. By General George Armstrong Custer.
Call Number: F 594 .C97 1952.
The Diaries of John Gregory Bourke.
Call Number: E 83.866 B75 2003.
Exploration--Selected Works
Journal of Arthur Fallows. From "Discoveries beyond the Appalachian Mountains in September 1671," by David I. Bushnell, Jr.
Call Number: F 592 .F222 1966.
Frontier Advance on the Upper Ohio, 1778-1779.
Call Number: F 576 .W81 1916 Vol. 23.
Exploring the Northwest Territory: Sir Alexander MacKenzie's Journal of a Voyage by Bark Canoe from Lake Athabasca to the Pacific Ocean in the Summer of 1789.
Call Number: F 1060.7 .M1773 1966.
The Journals of Lewis and Clark. By Merriwether Lewis.
Call Number: F 592.4 1953. (Library Use Only)
History of the expedition under the command of Captains Lewis & Clarke to the sources of the Missouri, thence across the Rocky Mountains and down the River Columbia to the Pacific Ocean, performed during the years 1804-5-6 by order of the Government of the United States. A complete reprint of the Biddle edition of 1814 to which all the members of the expedition contributed; with an account of the Louisiana Purchase by John Bach McMaster, and notes upon the route.
Call Number: F 592.4 1973.
The Journal of Jacob Fowler: Narrating an Adventure from Arkansas through the Indian Territory, Oklahoma, Kansas, Colorado, and New Mexico, to the Sources of Rio Grande Del Norte, 1821-22. By Jacob Fowler.
Call Number: F 592 .F78 1970.
Sources of the Mississippi and the Western Louisiana Territory. By Zebulon Montgomery Pike.
Call Number: F 592 .P636 1810a.
Account of an Expedition from Pittsburgh to the Rocky Mountains. By Edwin James.
Call Number: F 592 .J3 1823.
On the Western Tour with Washington Irving: The Journal and Letters of Count de Pourtalès.By Albert, Count de Portalès.
Call Number: F 697 .P613.
An Expedition to the Valley of the Great Salt Lake. By Howard Stansbury.
Call Number: F 826 .S73 1966.
Report of the Exploring Expedition to the Rocky Mountains. By John Charles Frémont.
Call Number: F 592 .F822 1966.
Narratives of Exploration and Adventure. By John Charles Frémont.
Call Number: F 592 .F8647 1956.
Journal of Travels over the Rocky Mountains, to the Mouth of the Columbia River; Made during the Years 1845 and 1846: Containing Minute Descriptions of the Valleys of the Williamette, Umpqua, and Clamet; A General Description of Oregon Territory; Its Inhabitants, Climate, Soil, Productions, Etc., Etc.; A List of Necessary Outfits for Emigrants. By Joel Palmer.
Call Number: F 880 .P17 1847a.
The Valley of the Upper Yellowstone: An Exploration of the Headwaters of the Yellowstone River in the Year 1869, as Recorded by Charles W. Cook, David E. Folsom, and William Peterson. By Charles W. Cook, et al.
Call Number: F 737 .Y4 C67 1965.
The Yellowstone National Park. By Hiram Martin Chittenden.
Call Number: F 722 .C54 1964.
The Frontier Experience: Readings in the Trans-Mississippi West.
Call Number: F 591 .H67 1963.
Gold Rush--Selected Works
Six Months in the Gold Mines: From a Journal of Three Years Residence in Upper and Lower California, 1847-8-9. By Edward Gould Buffum.
Call Number: F 865 .B93 1850a.
Life on the Plains and among the Diggings. By Alonzo Delano.
Call Number: F 593 .D332.
Death Valley in '49. By William Lewis Manly.
Call Number: F 868 .D2 M28 1966.
Sixteen Months at the Gold Diggings. By Daniel B. Woods.
Call Number: F 865 .W88 1973.
A Journal of the Overland Route to California! and the Gold Mines. By Lorenzo D. Aldrich.
Call Number: F 593 .A38 1851a.
Twenty Years on the Pacific Slope: Letters of Henry Eno from California and Nevada, 1848-1871.
Call Number: F 868 .A35 E5 1965.
The Shirley Letters: From the California Mines, 1851-1852. By Louise Amelia Knapp Clappe.
Call Number: F 865 .C58 1949.
The Golden Frontier: The Recollections of Herman Francis Reinhart, 1851-1869.
Call Number: F 852 .R4 1962.
A Confederate in the Colorado Goldfields. By Daniel Ellis Conner.
Call Number: Ken. F 780 .C75 1970.
Odyssey of a Desert Prospector. By Herman W. Albert.
Call Number: F 595 .A5 1967.
Territory Era--Selected Works
John Spring's Arizona. By John Spring.
Call Number: F 811 .S77 1966.
The Western Gate: A San Francisco Reader.
Call Number: F 869 .S3 J155 1952.
Notes of Travel through the Territory of Arizona: Being an Account of the Trip made by General George Stoneman and Others in the Autumn of 1870.
Call Number: F 811 .M32 1965.
Across the Continent: A Summer's Journey to the Rocky Mountains, the Mormons, and the Pacific States, with Speaker Colfax. By Samuel Bowles.
Call Number: F 594 .B76 1865a.
The Prairie Traveler: A Hand-Book for Overland Expeditions. By Randolph B. Marcy.
Call Number: F 593 .M31 1859.
Mexican War--Selected Works
Polk; the Diary of a President, 1845-1849, covering the Mexican War, the Acquisition of Oregon, and the Conquest of California and the Southwest (1952)
Call Number: E 416 .P77 1952
The Mexican War Diary of Thomas D. Tennery (1970)
Call Number: E411 .T45 1970
Settlement and Frontier Life--Selected Works
Davy Crockett's Own Story as written by himself: The Autobiography of America's Great Folk Hero.
Call Number: F 436 .C9 1955.
Documents of Texas History.
Call Number: F 386 .W32 2002.
Commerce on the Prairies: or the Journal of a Santa Fe Trader, During Eight Expeditions Across the Great Western Plairies and a Residence of nearly Nine Years in Northern Mexico. By Josiah Gregg.
Call Number: F 800 .G812 1967.
Seventy Years on the Frontier: Alexander Majors' Memoirs of a Lifetime on the Border, with a Preface by "Buffalo Bill," (General W.F. Cody.
Call Number: F 596 .M19 1965.
Recollections of Early Texas: The Recollections of John Holland Jenkins.
Call Number: F 390 .J4 1958.
Down the Santa Fe Trail and into Mexico: The Diary of Susan Shelby Magoffin, 1846-1847.
Call Number: F 786 .M22 1962.
The Original Journals of Henry Smith Turner with Stephen Watts Kearney to New Mexico and California, 1846-1847.
Call Number: F 786 .T9 1966.
With the Border Ruffians: Memories of the Far West, 1852-1868. By Robert Hamilton Williams.
Call Number: E 605 .W72 1908.
The Diary of Elisabeth Koren, 1853-1855. By Elisabeth Koren.
Call Number: F 629 .D29 K67413 1979.
Kit Carson's Autobiography.
Call Number: F 596 .Q341 C57 1935.
Went to Kansas: Being a Thrilling Account of an Ill-Fated Expedition to That Fairy Land, and Its Sad Results. By Mrs. Miriam Davis Colt.
Call Number: F 685 .C72 1966.
The Vigilantes of Montana, or Popular Justice in the Rocky Mountains: Being a Correct and Impartial Narrative of the Chase, Trial, Capture and Execution of Henry Plummers Road Agent Band, . . . By Prof. Thos. J. Dimsdale.
Call Number: F 731 .D572 1966.
Taming the Nueces Strip: The Story of McNelly's Rangers. By George Wantland.
Call Number: F 391 .D965.
Victorian Lady on the Texas Frontier: The Journal of Ann Rainey Coleman. By Ann Rainey Coleman.
Call Number: CT 275 .C684 A3.
Texas Journal, 1872. By Minor K. Kellogg.
Call Number: F 391 .K4.
Up the Trail in '79. By Baylis John Fletcher. (Chisholm Trail)
Call Number: F 596 .F53 1968.
The Frontier Trails: The Autobiography of Frank M. Canton.
Call Number: F 595 .C23 1966.
Women's Diaries of the Westward Journey.
Call Number: F 593 .W65 1982.
The Pioneer West: Narratives of the Westward March of Empire.
Call Number: F 591 .F872 1937.
Jordan. By Arthur J. Jordan.
Call Number: F 731 .J67 1984.
Fur Trade--Selected Works
Adventures of the First Settlers on the Oregon or Columbia River: Being a Narrative of the Expedition Fitted Out by John Jacob Astor, to Establish the "Pacific Fur Company." By Alexander Ross.
Call Number: F 880 .R81 1849a.
Narrative of the Adventures of Zenas Leonard. By Zenas Leonard.
Call Number: F 592 .L36 1966.
Forty Years a Fur Trader on the Upper Missouri: The Personal Narrative of Charles Larpenteur, 1833-1872.
Call Number: F 598 .L332 1962.
Journal of a Trapper. By Osborne Russell.
Call Number: F 597 .R94 1955.
The Personal Narrative of James O. Pattie.
Call Number: F 800 .P32 1962.
The Lost Trappers. By David H. Coyner.
Call Number: F 592 .C88 1970.
Buckskin Joe : Being the Unique and Vivid Memoirs of Edward Jonathan Hoyt, Hunter-Trapper, Scout, Soldier, Showman, Frontiersman, and Friend of the Indians, 1840-1918 (1988)
Call Number: F594.H8 1988
Cattle Industry--Selected Works
Cow Dust and Saddle Leather. By Ben W. Kemp.
Call Number: F 786 .F4.
Life in the Saddle. By Frank Collinson.
Call Number: F 786 C68 1963.
We Pointed Them North: Recollections of a Cowpuncher. By Edward Charles Abbott.
Call Number: F 596 .A22 1955.
Dude Wrangler, Hunter, Line Rider. By Floyd C. Bard as told to Agnes Wright Spring.
Call Number: F 767 .B35 B3 1964.
Ranch Life and the Hunting-Trail. By Theodore Roosevelt.
Call Number: F 596 .R78 1966.
A Texas Cowboy: or Fifteen Years on the Hurricane Deck of a Spanish Pony--taken from real life. By Charles A. Siringo.
Call Number: F 391 .S624 A37 1979,
Hispanic Experience--Selected Works
Hunger of Memory: The Education of Richard Rodriguez. By Richard Rodriguez.
Call Number: PE 1066 .R65.
The Boy Kings of Texas: A Memoir. By Domingo Martinez.
Call Number: PN 4874 .M4827 A3 2012.
Pictorial Documentation--Selected Works
Plain Indian Art: The Pioneering Work of John C. Ewers.
Call Number: E 78 .G73 E926 2011.
Recollections of Charley Russell. By Frank Bird Linderman.
Call Number: ND 237 .R75 L5 1963.
The Teton Dam Disaster. By Dylan J. McDonald.
Call Number: F 752 .S7 M38 2006.
Civil War--Selected Works
Douglas's Texas Battery, CSA. By James Postell Douglas.
Call Number: F 580.4 .D6 D6. [Library Use Only]
Rebel Private, Front and Rear: Memoirs of a Confederate Soldier. By William A. Fletcher.
Call Number: E 605 .F58 2005.
This Infernal War: The Confederate Letters of Edwin H. Fay.
Call Number: E 605 .F25 1958.
The Union must stand : the Civil War Diary of John Quincy Adams Campbell, Fifth Iowa Volunteer Infantry (2000)
Call Number: E507.5 5th .C36 2000