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Faculty & Staff Publications

Montgomery Library's Guide to Publications by Faculty, Staff, and Trustees of Campbellsville University

Bertram, Dale

Bertram, D. (1993). Missing links: The enthymeme and its utility in systemic family therapy dialogue. Family Processes, 32, 232-238.

Bertram, D. (1996). Joining with all members of a family system: The rhetoric of antilogic in family therapy dialogue. Contemporary Family Therapy, 523-533.

Bertram, D. (2011). Confessions of an online educator. Family Therapy Magazine, September/October, 10-13.

Bertram, D., (2015). Standard VI. In B. E. Caldwell (Ed.), User's guide to the AAMFT Code of Ethics (pp. 71-79). The American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy.

Bertram, D., Hale, D., & Frusha, C. (1993). Rhetorical theory and family therapy practice. Contemporary Family Therapy, 15, 139-147.

Bertram, D., & Hertlein, K. (2024). Ethics in technology-assisted services. In K. Brown (Ed). AAMFT systemic ethics textbook (pp. 504-536).  AAMFT.

Bertram, D., & Nerswick, J. (2012). Faith in the distance education academy. Journal of Faith and the Academy, 5, 5-29.

Bertram, D. E., & Rankin, M. (2017). Hypnosis in couple and family therapy. In J. Lebow, A. Chambers, & D. Breunlin (Eds.), Encyclopedia of couple and family therapy. Springer.

Dansby, R., & Bertram, D. E. (2017). Moderation as a teacher of cultural competency in higher education. Journal of Faith and the Academy, 10(1), 44-51.

Hale, D., & Bertram, D. E. (2018). Problem-solving family therapy. In J. Lebow, A. Chambers, & D. Breunlin (Eds.), Encyclopedia of couple and family therapy. Springer.

Morris, H., & Bertram, D. (2013). Therapist utilization of online support for parents of premature infants. Contemporary Family Therapy, 35, 583-598.

Perry, W., & Bertram, D. (2015). Styles of ethical discourse in an online clinical course: Who talks to whom when? Journal of Online Doctoral Education, 2, 1-20.